Pistachio Financiers

You might be wondering about the word Financier,…well yes it’s got lot to do with the Finance world, and that is because this petite cake was created by the chef of a Paris pastry shop in the late 19th century, and named after the bankers who would go there every day for a sweet bite, therefore the rectangular distinctive shape as a gold brick.  

The main difference with these pistachio financiers is that instead of the hazelnut powder I use pistachio powder, and they have also a gorgeous and divine crumble made out of coconut flakes, fresh raspberries and more.

The best thing about this small and light French cake is the browning of the butter. When you get to smell the nuttiness of the butter getting that dark golden color you’ll know you will die to get the cakes out of the oven and taste them,…

Makes 8 small cakes

300grs Light brown sugar
100grs self rising flour
150grs pistachio powder. Ground 150grs of salted pistachios. If you can’t find salted pistachios just add ¼ tsp of salt to the cake mixture
8 egg whites
3 tbps honey
250grs butter

Coconut crumble
70grs confectioner’s sugar
120grs all purpose flour
100grs cold butter
50grs coconut flakes
Zest of two limes
24 raspberries in halves
32 Pistachios

Preheat the oven to 320 degrees F.

In a saucepan melt the butter on a medium low heat and cook until it turns golden brown.
Combine the sugar, flour and grounded pistachios in the food processor until you get a fine and even mixture.

Put the mixture into a bowl, add the egg whites little by little and mix together, then add the honey and the hot brown butter and mix everything together until you achieve a smooth batter.

For the crumble, place the flour and the confectioner’s sugar in the bowl of a food processor and pulse a few times to combine. Add the butter and pulse until the butter is almost the size of peas. Add the coconut flakes and lime zest and pulse two more times.
Pour the batter in 8 greased and floured small loaf pans. Sprinkle the crumble, pistachios and the raspberry halves over the butter and bake for 18 to 20 min. Remove from the oven and let them cool inside the pans for 30 minutes.


  1. I really enjoy this cake!!
    Thanks Mara

    1. I'm very glad you do so Taty
      Many thanks for your comment.
